Kaijudo Wiki
  • Q: If my opponent doesn’t have any shields when “Weapons Blazing” resolves, will it still untap?
    • A: Yes. You’ll follow as much of the ability’s instructions as you can.
  • Q: Say it’s my opponent’s turn, and Tatsurion wins a battle against a creature that has “Slayer” and power 1000. Both “Slayer” and “Weapons Blazing” trigger at the same time. Because it’s my opponent’s turn, Tatsurion is banished first. When the “Weapons Blazing” ability resolves, can Tatsurion break the chosen shield, even though Tatsurion is in my discard pile?
    • A: Yes. Tatsurion doesn’t have to still be in the battle zone when “Weapons Blazing” resolves. Of course, it must be in the battle zone to win a battle and have the ability trigger in the first place.
Tatsurion the Relentless