Kaijudo Wiki
Tatsurion the Brawler
Tatsurion the Brawler (10INV)
Civilizations: Fire Fire / Nature Nature
Card Type: Creature
Level: 6
Race: Armored Dragon / Beast Kin
Card Abilities: (This card enters your mana zone tapped.)

Protector Protector (You may tap this creature to change an attack on one of your other creatures to this creature.)

Double Breaker (This creature breaks 2 shields.)

Fierce Friend — Whenever one of your creatures that has "Scaradorable" or "Glu-urrgle" in its name is attacked, untap this creature, and this creature gets +5000 power until the end of the turn.

Power: 7000+
Illustrator: Chris Seaman
Invasion Earth
(S10/S10 — Super Rare ★★★★★)
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