Kaijudo Wiki
Kaijudo Wiki


Can a creature attack your opponent's shields, even when your opponent has creatures, as long as none of your opponent's creatures have blocker? 03:56, February 10, 2013 (UTC)

Yes. Whenever you attack with a creature, you can choose to attack a tapped creature, or the shields/player. If they have no blockers, the attack occurs, and you either break a shield, or have a battle between a creature. Even if they had 5 blockers, you can still try and attack shields...you might just not make it through. :) Yami Michael 11:23, February 10, 2013 (UTC)
Thank you SO much. My primary card game is Yu-gi-oh, where you obviously can't make a direct attack if your opponent controls a monster, so this stumped me. 22:08, February 11, 2013 (UTC)