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Sword of Fiery Cataclysm
Sword of Fiery Cataclysm
Fire Fire

The Sword of Fiery Cataclysm is the most prized and powerful artifact belonging to the Fire Civilization.

It is currently lost somewhere in the Null Zone.


The primary function of the Sword is that it allows the holder to summon and control any creature of the Fire Civilization, even King Infernus the Immolator himself. It also significantly increases the holders mana.

Sword (fissure)

The sword cracking the earth.

The Sword can be made to generate flames from its blade and shoot powerful fire blasts. The flames can even be generated if the Sword is being used underwater.

With a single strike, the Sword is capable of creating a massive fissure in the earth and raising a massive wave of molten lava. However, the only time this application was seen was when the sword was used to summon a gigantic lava dragon from underground, so the fissure and lava wave may have just been a byproduct of that summoning.

Like the other artifacts, the Sword automatically changes size to fit its user, but it must be grasped at the hilt.

Sword Shield Cloak (Artifact reaction)

The Sword, Shield and Cloak reacting to the other artifacts.

The five artifacts possess a very unique mana, because of this the artifacts are compelled to react to each other and can be used to locate each other like a compass.


The Sword of Fiery Cataclysm can only control Fire Civilization creatures, creatures of the other four Civilizations are immune to its power. Furthermore, the Sword can only exert total control over pure Fire Creatures, a hybrid of two Civilizations would have the potential to resist its control.


The Sword of Fiery Cataclysm originally belonged to Infernus the Immolator when he ruled over the Fire Civilization thousands of years ago. It is unknown who created the Sword or how it was created.

After the Veil was created, the Sword ended up in the possession of Lord Skycrusher who used its power to rule over the Fire realm.

Skycrusher used the Sword to control Bob when he and his human allies attempted a rescue of their friend, but he was able to resist the Swords power due to being half Nature creature.

The Sword was later stolen by Suguru who gave it to The Choten.

The Choten used the Sword along with the other artifacts to awaken the Monarchs from their ten thousand year hibernation, but he lost the Sword when he gave it to Allie who was using a magic mask to make herself look like Alakshmi Verma.

Ray returned the Sword Infernus, who agreed to help them fight The Choten.

During the Monarchs summit, Infernus gave up the Sword of Fiery Cataclysm as per protocol. When the Choten's people tried to steal the artifacts, Tiera got the Sword.

The Sword was lost when the Monarchs collapsed.




  • The Sword of Fiery Cataclysm was the first artifact to be returned to its Monarch.