Kaijudo Wiki
Kaijudo Set Premiere

A Set Premiere is a special event in the Trading Card Game that takes place at stores across the nation.


Set Premieres happen the weekend following a trading card game release (not including special products). These are Limited Play tournaments, using 3 (formerly 5 and 6) booster packs from the new set.


As its name implies, it is the premiere of a set, and a Set Premiere is often in Sealed format. DragonStrike Infernus was the first set to have a Set Premiere.

Two promotional cards are given out at every Set Premiere to showcase the theme of the set having the premiere. Starting with Quest for the Gauntlet, that number increased to five.

List of Promotional cards by Set Premiere

DragonStrike Infernus

Clash of the Duel Masters

Shattered Alliances

Invasion Earth

The 5 Mystics

Quest for the Gauntlet

