Kaijudo Wiki
Ravenous Web-Leg
Ravenous Web-Leg (10INV)
Civilization: Darkness Darkness
Card Type: Creature
Level: 6
Race: Shadow Champion
Card Abilities: Blocker Blocker (You may tap this creature to change an enemy creature's attack to this creature.)

Guard (This creature can't attack.)

Dinner — When this creature wins a battle, banish it.

Dessert — When this creature is banished, your opponent chooses one of his or her creatures in the battle zone. Banish that creature.

Power: 6000
Illustrator: Matias Tapia
Invasion Earth
(16/80 — Rare ★★★)
Other Card Information:
Ravenous Web-Leg
This is a card version of the Ravenous Web-Leg character from the TV Series.