Kaijudo Wiki
Prism Blade the Ascendant
Prism Blade the Ascendant (15PRM)
Civilization: Light Light
Card Type: Evolution Creature
Level: 4
Race: Enforcer
Card Abilities: Evolution — Put on one of your Light creatures.

Double Breaker

Beacon of Hope — Whenever you're attacked for the first time each turn, you may untap one of your other creatures. It gets "Blocker Blocker" until the end of the turn.

Power: 6000
Flavor Text:
"We will win this war one inspiring moment at a time." —Master Isao
Illustrator: Chris Seaman
(15/PRM1 — Promotional)
Other Card Information:
Prism-Blade Enforcer
This is a card version of the Prism-Blade Enforcer character from the TV Series.