Kaijudo Wiki
Null Zone
The Null Zone
It serves as the border between all five realms
Vital statistics
Type Border

The Null Zone is a location in the Kaijudo: Rise of the Duel Masters series.


The Null Zone is the nexus point of the creature realm, the border where all five civilizations meet. The Null Zone drains the mana of creatures, eventually causing them to perish (as evidenced by the bones of the creatures that lay in the Null Zone). Although human are not affected by the regions mana draining properties.

No creature dares to enter it. Only the Monarchs can enter without much ill-effects, though if they exert themselves dueling, they will run out of stamina and collapse. Of course they would not perish in the Null Zone, their immense mana production would sustain them in slumber.


In Clash of the Monarchs, Infernus the Immolator, King Tritonus, Almighty Colossus, Queen Kalima, and Eternal Haven hold a summit in the Null Zone to discuss how to end the war. The summit was disrupted when The Choten used the real Helm of Ultimate Technology to attack the Monarchs while his minions try to obtain the other four artifacts. Following the fight between the Choten and his followers against the Duel Masters, all five Creature Monarchs are put out of commission and the artifacts are lost in the Null Zone.

In Siege, The Choten uses the Null Zone as the location to detonate his Evo-Serum Bomb.
