Kaijudo Wiki
Magistrate Jazuri
Magistrate Jazuri (13GAU)
Civilization: Light Light
Card Type: Evolution Creature
Level: 6
Race: Skyforce Champion
Card Abilities: Evolution — Put on one of your Light creatures.

Blocker Blocker (You may tap this creature to change an enemy creature's attack to this creature.)

Double Breaker (This creature breaks 2 shields.)

UnleashUntap all your creatures at the end of the turn. (To use a creature's "Unleash" ability, put a card from under it into your discard pile when it attacks.)

Power: 8500
Illustrator: Eva Widermann
Quest for the Gauntlet
(16/160 — Rare ★★★)
(13/PRM2 — Rare ★★★)
Other Card Information: