Kaijudo Wiki
Luminar Unleashed
Luminar Unleashed (10INV)
Civilizations: Light Light / Water Water
Card Type: Evolution Creature
Level: 5
Race: Corrupted / Enforcer
Card Abilities: (This card enters your mana zone tapped.)

Evolution — Put on one of your Corrupted creatures or Enforcers.

Double Breaker (This creature breaks 2 shields.)

Holo-Decoys — Whenever one of your Corrupted creatures attacks, tap target enemy creature. (First choose what your creature is attacking. Then tap the target creature.).

Power: 7000
Flavor Text:
"Today, a new order will overthrow the duel masters." —The Choten
Illustrator: Matias Tapia
Invasion Earth
(38/80 — Very Rare ★★★★)
Other Card Information:
This is a card version of the Luminar character from the TV Series.