Kaijudo Wiki
Lava-Tube Crawler
Lava-Tube Crawler (10INV)
Civilizations: Darkness Darkness / Fire Fire
Card Type: Creature
Level: 3
Race: Rot Worm / Dune Gecko
Card Abilities: (This card enters your mana zone tapped.)

Protector Protector (You may tap this creature to change an attack on one of your other creatures to this creature.)

Death Lunge — When this creature is banished, target enemy creature gets -1000 power until the end of the turn. (A creature that has power 0 or less is banished.)

Power: 2000
Flavor Text:
Lava-tube crawlers never back down from a fight.
Illustrator: Matias Tapia
Invasion Earth
(70/80 — Common ★)
Other Card Information: