Kaijudo Wiki
Kenina (6DSI)
Civilization: Fire Fire
Card Type: Creature
Level: 4
Race: Fire Bird
Card Abilities: Dragonsong — You tap 1 less mana card to summon Dragons.

Infernus's Envoy — All your Dragons have "Powerful Attack +2000." (A creature that has "Powerful Attack +2000" gets +2000 power while attacking.)

Power: 2000
Flavor Text:
Kenina sings a song of the flame's raging heat.
Illustrator: Toshiaki Takayama
DragonStrike Infernus
(42/55 — Uncommon ★★)
Other Card Information:
Kenina the Igniter
This is a card version of the Kenina the Igniter character from the TV Series.