Kaijudo Wiki
Galsaur (10INV)
Civilization: Fire Fire
Card Type: Creature
Level: 8
Race: Rock Brute
Card Abilities: Protector Protector (You may tap this creature to change an attack on one of your other creatures to this creature.)

Double Breaker (This creature breaks 2 shields.)

Incendiary Terrain — Each enemy creature attacks creatures each turn if able.

Power: 8000
Flavor Text:
"If we don't take out Galsaur, this duel is over." —Master Chavez
Illustrator: Sansyu
Invasion Earth
(26/80 — Very Rare ★★★★)
Other Card Information:
Galsaur Rock Beast
This is a card version of the Galsaur Rock Beast character from the TV Series.