Kaijudo Wiki
Fluorogill Manta
Fluorogill Manta (8TRI)
Civilization: Water Water
Card Type: Creature
Level: 3
Race: Trench Hunter
Card Abilities: Blocker Blocker (You may tap this creature to change an enemy creature's attack to this creature.)

Guard (This creature can't attack.)

Power: 4000
Flavor Text:
"The deeper you go, the weirder it gets."—Allie
Illustrator: Naoki Saito
The Dojo Edition
(14/55 — Common ★)
Rise of the Duel Masters
(41/165 — Common ★)
Triple Strike
(4/22 — Common ★)
Other Card Information:
Fluorogill Manta
This is a card version of the Fluorogill Manta character from the TV Series.