Kaijudo Wiki
Darkness Civilization
Category for Darkness
Darkness strikes from deepest shadow!
Master Jaha, while demonstrating the Darkness summoning kata

The Darkness Civilization, also sometimes called the Darkness Realm or simply Darkness, is a mono-civilization combination that is distinguished by a purple color frame and is represented by a half shaded skull symbol with fangs and a single horn.

Creatures of the Darkness Civilization are living nightmares that rely on secrecy and subterfuge. They are very calm, cunning and deceitful. Additionally, they like to keep hidden in the shadows, and a dark spirit always holds something back.

The Monarch of the Darkness Civilization is Queen Kalima of the Infinite Dark who is the rightful owner of the Cloak of Dark Illusion.


At home in deep subterranean cave systems and anywhere in the darkness, they are the ‘bump in the night’. They are the creepy crawlies, ever patient and always using the shadows to their advantage. Obscuring their maneuvers and strategy, the Darkness Civilization tends to be sneaky and deceptive – choosing the right moment to pop out and scare / attack / greet their enemies. Their great nemesis of course is the Light Civilization whom they view arrogant and controlling – ever ready to illuminate their secretive ways. Their co-existence with the Nature Civilization and the Fire Civilization are tenuous and sometimes stormy, though the Fire Civilization’s passions resonate more with Darkness and they are amused by the Nature Civilization’s tribal ways.

Their best ally is the Water Civilization whom they can join seamlessly with to fight side by side with. The Darkness Civilization has a certain spooky, creepy side with its undead, demons and especially ‘the masks.’ Many Creatures of Darkness always wear masks, which keeps others guessing about who or what is beneath. The ‘unpredictable’ side of darkness (and what may come out of it) is intriguing. On a deeper level, dark things are neither all bad nor all good – and darkness offers many lessons useful not only to dueling but to life.

The primary colors of the Darkness Civilization are PURPLE and BLACK. These can represent the sneakier aspects of this Civilization, such as plotting, planning, hoarding (as opposed to their toxic waste, poison and so on). The look is frequently “cobbled together,” stitched or otherwise misshapen. Armor and weaponry are always macabre, but cool!

The Darkness Civilization is also heavily polluted, filled with sludge and ooze which the Tarborgs are born from, as well as a massive amount of miscellaneous junk and scrap.

Known Locations

  • Queen Kalima's Palace
  • Shadow Abyss
  • Gloom Hollow
  • Bleak Trestle
  • Cobweb Cavern
  • Miasma Pit
  • Squeaky's hideaway

List of Races

Summoning Kata

The kata for summoning a creature of the Darkness Civilization starts by pushing both fists downward in front of you. Next you raise your right arm up and backwards and swing your left arm forwards in front of your chest. You then reverse the stance with your left arm up and backwards and your right arm forwards in front of your chest. Finally you swing your right arm back and then swing it down and forward with an open palm facing upward and your fingers bent upward.

When the kata is being performed, the duelist is surrounded by a whirl of dark smoke.

Unique Abilities



  • In the original Duel Masters franchise, the Darkness Civilization contained toxic gases which made it inhospitable. This was retconned in this franchise.
  • According to Master Jaha, you cannot enter darkness without darkness entering you.
    • Master Jaha also states that darkness can be a burning strength within you but it can also blind you.
    • According to The Darkness Mystic, darkness cannot be fought, you can either resist or succumb.

Civilizations of the Creature World
Light Light Water Water Darkness Darkness Fire Fire Nature Nature
2 Civilizations: Allied: LWLNWDDFFN