Kaijudo Wiki
Choten's Stalker Sphere
Choten's Stalker Sphere (10INV)
Civilizations: Light Light / Water Water
Card Type: Creature
Level: 5
Race: Corrupted / Enforcer
Card Abilities: (This card enters your mana zone tapped.)

Subverted Network — All your Corrupted creatures have "Blocker Blocker." (You may tap a creature that has "Blocker" to change an enemy creature's attack to it.)

Power: 3000
Flavor Text:
"Once again we see that befriending creatures is no substitute for commanding them." —The Choten
Illustrator: Naoki Saito
Invasion Earth
(36/80 — Common ★)
Other Card Information:
Stalker Sphere
This is a card version of the Stalker Sphere character from the TV Series.