Kaijudo Wiki
Black Feather of Shadow Abyss
Black Feather of Shadow Abyss (8TRI)
Civilization: Darkness Darkness
Card Type: Creature
Level: 5
Race: Specter
Card Abilities: Ghostly Siphon — Whenever an enemy creature is banished, you may draw a card.
Power: 2000
Flavor Text:
"Living dead, dead ahead! We must protect Allison!"
Master Jaha
Illustrator: Soushi Hirose
The Dojo Edition
(24/55 — Rare ★★★)
Rise of the Duel Masters
(68/165 — Rare ★★★)
Triple Strike
(7/22 — Rare ★★★)
Other Card Information:
Black Feather of Shadow Abyss
This is a card version of the Black Feather of Shadow Abyss character from the TV Series.