Akifumi Yamamoto is an Illustrator for the Trading Card Game.
List of cards illustrated by Akifumi Yamamoto[]
Cards illustrated under the name of "Akifumi Yamamoto".
- Aqua Soldier
- Baron Burnfingers
- Batter-Axe
- Beliqua the Ascender
- Bloated Gatekeeper
- Briar Pit
- Cavern Snapper
- Cindermoss Quartz
- Cyber Cyclones
- Drill Storm
- Duke Durian
- Essence Shade
- Gloom Tomb
- King Tsunami
- Leafwing Totem
- Lunar Boar
- Manic Mechanic
- Panic and Disorder
- Photon Weaver
- Ramis the Cloaked
- Ramis the Duskwalker
- Return from Beyond
- Spy Mission
- Spy Tide
- Tar Gusher
- Teleport
- Time Rime
- Trial and Error
- Tusked Nautiloid
- Urth, the Overlord
- Wave Keeper
- Wild Growth
Illustrators containing Numbers
Illustrators starting with A
Illustrators starting with B
Illustrators starting with C
Illustrators starting with D
Illustrators starting with E
Illustrators starting with F
Illustrators starting with H
Illustrators starting with I
Illustrators starting with J
Illustrators starting with K
Illustrators starting with M
Illustrators starting with N
Illustrators starting with O
Illustrators starting with P
Illustrators starting with R
Illustrators starting with S
Illustrators starting with T
Illustrators starting with V
Illustrators starting with W
Illustrators starting with Y
Illustrators starting with Z